Friday, April 1, 2011

worship. random thoughts.

Who are you watching?

I've grown up in a reformed church. I've attended a pentacostle youth group since highschool. I currently attend a Baptist church... I enjoy variety.

Anyways, the point is, after seeing a little bit of everything and experiencing it all for myself... my main struggle as I went from one denomination to the next was keeping MY eyes on my KING and not the people around me. We all know that people express their worship in different ways. Don't get me wrong - I think there are times when people do things that are not biblical and there are times when people like to just make more rules to add to their never ending list.. but I think its sad when people are afraid to just WORSHIP because they're too concerned about what is going on around them.

'i cant raise my hands because no one does that here'
'i cant sit down because everyone is standing'
'i cant stand still because everyone is dancing'
'i cant not sing because we were told to sing louder'
blah blah blah, you get the point... it's almost as if people like to pressure others into worshiping a certain way. why? I dont know, maybe because those who are more 'expressive' of their worship seem to be more passionate about God... which isnt true at all.

Keep your eyes focused on God. You're worshiping Him and Him alone. Dont try to please those around you. Don't try to fit in.  Don't try to follow the crowd. Don't pressure others into what you think is the 'better way to worship'. Just WORSHIP FREELY.

Worship is a lifestyle -  worship is not defined by the ways it is expressed...
dont allow worship to become 'standing or sitting, raising hands or kneeling, being quiet or shouting'... do you get my point. that is an expression of your worship.. that is NOT what worship is.

keep your eyes focused on God. On Jesus. Worship Him Freely.

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