Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Within the church today, there seems to be a significant difference between being simply under the title of ‘Christian’ and actually living out the meaning of ‘Christian’. I don’t simply want the label; I want to be a disciple... For some, being a ‘Christian’ is only cultural or traditional. It is simply a title inherited from a previous generation, the net effect of which involves avoiding certain behaviours and occasionally going to church. For some, being a ‘Christian’ is political: ‘a desire to defend moral values in the public square or perhaps preserve values by withdrawing from the public square in total’. AND for some, ‘Christian’ is just being a good person, a general belief in Jesus etc...

The followers of Jesus weren’t actually called Christians until about 10-15 years after the church began. Before this time, they were known as disciples, brothers, saints, followers of the way (john 14:6) etc... To be a Christian gives the meaning of being a wholehearted follower of Jesus Christ (John 10:27). ‘Christian’ is much more than a superficial association with Christ (as society can currently see it). Rather, the title DEMANDS a deep affection for Christ, allegiance to HIM and submission to His Word. (John 15:14) (John 8:31) (Luke 9:23).

When we call ourselves Christians, we proclaim to the world that everything about us, including our very self-identity is found in Christ because we have denied ourselves in order to follow and obey Him. The world/society see’s the title of ‘Christian’ in many negative ways. It is not just another religion. Maybe if we as ‘Christians’ started living as TRUE disciples -  we would be able to correct the world’s definition of what it truly means to be Christian.

Even within the church community, being a ‘Christian’ has become about success, wealth, prosperity and the pursuit of happiness. We often hear that God loves people unconditionally and wants them to be all that THEY want to be.  It’s all about personal ambition, personal fulfillment and personal gratification. This has all become what it means to have a ‘personal relationship with Jesus Christ’. BUT, the New Testament understanding of being a follower of Christ is just the opposite. HE is the master and owner, we are HIS possessions. HE is the king, Lord and the Son of God. We are HIS subjects and subordinates. We are HIS Slaves. We are not servants, we are slaves! *servants are hired and therefore have a degree of freedom. Slaves are owned and bought at a price.

The word slave = Doulos in Greek. ‘Doulos’ has been mistranslated in almost every English version of the bible.  The word slave/Doulos appears 124 times in the original text, but it is correctly translated only ONCE in the King James. Instead of translating Doulos as slave, it has been translated as servant... “the gospel is not simply an invitation to become Christ’s associate; it is a mandate to become his slave” (John MacArthur).

Our slavery to Christ has radical implications for how we think and live. It changes our perspective and our priorities. Devote yourself completely to HIM! Submit wholly to His will and seek to please Him above all else. Die to yourself and follow your master – no matter the cost. Be Christ’s slave. THIS is what it truly means to be Christian. If we do this, live as the disciples did – understanding the TRUE meaning of ‘Christian’ (aka. Slave), maybe we can correct the church AND the worlds view of what being a Christian is all about.