Tuesday, November 5, 2013

the forgotten definition of marriage

God rightly compares marriage to a vine. You’ve got to invest a lot, and you’ve got to wait a long time. You’re going to need to be patient and tending to it if you want it to grow and be fruitful. Adultery is like a Weed eater that carelessly severs the vine’s base, killing it in an instant." Marc Driscoll

As a young married person (married at the age of 20) something that I've been learning a lot in my first year of marriage is just how against the grains marriage is in-itself, let alone getting married so young. My eyes have really been opened to how confused our culture and society is when it comes to the topic of marriage. The definition of marriage has taken a hit. Actually, no... the definition of marriage has been forgotten altogether, and in its absence, sinful humankind has created 'make-shift' definitions which acquire to their sinful and selfish ways. It's at the point where people in my generation don't even grasp what marriage was made for... marriage has become about 'me' 'myself' and 'I'. 

Let me marry who 'I' want.
Let me marry how 'I' want.
Let me marry as often as 'I' want.
Let me marry as many as 'I' want.
Let me do as 'I' please in my marriage.

As a result marriage is no longer sacred between a man and a woman. 
Marriage is no longer even necessary for those who choose to live common-law.
Statistics of divorce are mind-blowing.
Marriage isn't even necessarily between 2 people...
Marriage is about pleasing oneself and serving ones own desires.
Entering into marriage as a sexually pure individual is humorous in our society and almost un-heard of.

What is Marriage Anyways?

 1. Marriage is a COVENANT (Malachi 2:14)
 - our culture says that marriage is just a contract/written agreement between two people. WRONG. Marriage is a covenant between God and 2 people and therefor those two people to each other. To be in covenant with one another, we first must be in covenant with God. Which is why it doesn't work for a believer to try and come into the covenant of marriage with one who is not saved. 

2. Marriage is Consummation. Genesis 2:24 says "the two became one flesh"...
 - pretty much consummation is the big word that says marriage allows for two people to have sex. This is the part that society laughs at. How can you even think about waiting until marriage to have sex... well, because we understand the value and sacredness of MARRIAGE. The mindset that says, 'having sex with multiple people right now is preparing me for marriage. It is teaching me not only what I need and what I like, but also how I can make my future spouse happy.." 

... thats insanity. Completely STUPID.

"Fornication is simply an internship for Adultery."

Having sex with multiple people, or maybe just one person, before marriage is only teaching you ONE thing: how to be unfaithful. You are practicing to cheat. To Lust. To Crave. The pattern of the bible is chastity before marriage and fidelity in marriage. They go hand-in-hand. So does fornication + adultery.


Our generation needs a wake-up call.
Unfortunately, I am convinced that all of this insanity is only going to get worse in my day.
Sinful humankind will continue to create their own definition of marriage in order to satisfy their cravings and sinful desires, in order to make life easier and more comfortable for them.

What can we do?
be an example.
start attacking adultery and idolatry. 
be the change. 
Stand firm.
stay true to the TRUE definition of marriage.

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