Tuesday, September 3, 2013

A merciful, purposeful, costly, rewarding invitation of Jesus

A Merciful Invitation...

We have to remember that we have nothing in us to draw Jesus to us. When Jesus called the first disciples long ago it had nothing to do with who they were or what they had to offer. So it is with us, we are saved solely by Gods Grace and Mercy. We are disciples because Christ first pursued us, that IS the gospel - it is what Christ has done. Jesus chose the disciples {and us today} because of Mercy In Him, not because of Merit In Us.

I think most of us learn this early-on in our walk of faith, but how often do we remind ourselves of it? How often do we begin to think that God saved us because we are strong enough, good enough, or 'christian enough'? When we think this way, even in the most subtle ways, we steal the significance from Christ's death on the cross... we lose the entire meaning of the gospel. Why? Because Christ's death was for those who could not save themselves, it was for those who were AND are completely hopeless. It was for those who had nothing to give to earn this redemption for themselves, it was for those who had nothing to offer to claim salvation. If you are saved, it is not because you are worthy or because you deserve it. If you are saved, it is because Jesus Christ paid the price for you and for your imperfection. 

A Purposeful Invitation...

If you have accepted Christ's merciful invitation to follow him and be a disciple {true Christian}, than there is always a purpose behind your following. This is where I feel MANY 'Christians' miss the point. You were shown Mercy for a Mission. You cannot accept God's Mercy and leave it there... that would be wasteful and selfish. To be called by Christ includes being commissioned; to BE a disciple means to MAKE disciples. 

We get so caught up in this world and in this earthly life. Get a career, own a big house, work work work, start a family, buy new things, look better, feel better, make your life secure and safe... PLEASE! Don't WASTE YOUR LIFE. Everything in this life is meaningless. King Solomon, the wisest man to have ever lived learned this the hard way. He fell away from God, got so caught up in riches, in sexuality, in false teachings, in power and control and status... in the end he realized it was all a waste. It was ALL for NOTHING. Why do Christians put so much effort and energy into building for themselves a nice, peaceful, comfortable, secure, safe life here on this earth. Do we not know that this world WILL pass away? You cannot take anything from this life with you after death - only your heart for serving the Lord will remain. The things that we think are important and crucial to life are not - unless our true hearts desire is Jesus Christ and spreading the gospel.

How many of us have shared the gospel and seen someone come to Christ in the past year?
In the past 2 years?
In the past 10 years?
How many of us have EVER shared the gospel?
We need to be INTENTIONAL. This mission is crucial.
Think about the people in your life right now: 
family, friends, acquaintances. even strangers on a day-to-day basis.
I think all of us can think of someone in our reach that either does not know Jesus, or has fallen away, OR is deceived into thinking that they are saved when they are not.
I know MANY.
Why are we not intentionally pursuing these people and trying to allow God to reach them through our words and our actions. 
There are millions of people {a handful of which have been placed in OUR lives} that are headed for an eternity of separation from God... does that HIT you?!?! Do you understand?!?!?

To be a disciple means to MAKE disciples. No excuses. Its just what you do.
So if you don't do it, you are wasting time... or maybe you aren't truly FOR Christ...

A Costly Invitation...

It's not about safety and its not about comfort. Like I mentioned earlier, why do we spend SO much time and energy in trying to build ourselves a nice little life here on earth {store up treasures on earth} when we are called to pay the cost of following - which means giving it all up...? God blesses us materially and financially and with nice things, of course, but have you been consumed by these things?  Are they the things that make your life 'joyful' 'comfortable' 'safe' or 'secure'.? If so, be careful. Have we TRULY counted the cost of following Christ? If you accept his merciful invitation and start living a purposeful life {as we are SUPPOSED to} than comfort and certainty are no longer your concern {you have paid the cost}, your possessions are no longer your own. In fact, it is more dangerous to be safe than to be reckless. Sometimes people look at those who sell everything they have and move their lives and families to countries where there is war and suffering, they say that it is unwise and reckless. Is it? Reckless people are what we NEED to reach those who are in darkness. If you are 'safe', you are in danger of missing the entire point of WHY you have been saved. If you are 'comfortable' then you are finding your joy and satisfaction in meaningless and temporary earthly things. 

He is sending us out like sheep among wolves. That picture is clear and brutal. There WILL be persecution if you are doing what you are supposed to be doing. Maybe not to the point of death for all of us, maybe not even to the point of physical harm for some, but there WILL be persecution. Pick up your cross and follow him. Follow Him no matter the cost.

A Rewarding Invitation...

Always remember that when Jesus is calling us to sacrifice, he is calling us to satisfaction. He tells us that when we LOSE our life, we will FIND our life {eternal life}. Jesus tells us a story in the bible of a man who finds a hidden treasure in a field, so he goes and sells all of that which he has {literally - all of it!} and he uses the money to buy that field. People see this and because they do not know about the hidden treasure, they cannot imagine how he could do something like this. It would seem reckless to them, wouldn't it? Yet he knows that the hidden treasure is far more valuable than all that he currently had - and he did everything he could to get a hold of that treasure... 

Are we willing to give up everything for the hidden treasure Christ has shown us? Is an eternity in  heaven, together with Jesus himself worth all that we currently have? Please know that is TRULY is. If you have accepted Christ's merciful invitation and you are living a purposeful life making disciples and allowing God to work through you in order to save others, if you are willing to sacrifice everything and pay the cost of following Jesus and living the life that he has called you to, then you WILL be rewarded - and it will be far better than what you can even imagine now. It is worth far more than all the treasures you can build up on this earth. 

Dietrich Bonhoeffer says, "The cost of discipleship is great, but the cost of non-discipleship is far greater..."

Do we believe that Jesus satisfies? Do we believe that he is Worth it all?
Then GIVE YOURSELF to the PURPOSE of which you have been CALLED.
Our Priority MUST be the gospel.

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