Monday, September 30, 2013

Set Free. Live Freely

Set free to live freely.  

Exodus: 6: 2-8 

“I am the Lord. I appeared to Abraham, to Isaac and to Jacob as God Almighty, but by my name the Lord I did not make myself fully known to them. I also established my covenant with them to give them the land of Canaan, where they resided as foreigners. Moreover, I have heard the groaning of the Israelites, whom the Egyptians are enslaving, and I have remembered my covenant. “Therefore, say to the Israelites: ‘I am the Lord, and I will bring you out from under the yoke of the Egyptians. I will free you from being slaves to them, and I will redeem you with an outstretched arm and with mighty acts of judgment. I will take you as my own people, and I will be your God. Then you will know that I am the Lord your God, who brought you out from under the yoke of the Egyptians. And I will bring you to the land I swore with uplifted hand to give to Abraham, to Isaac and to Jacob. I will give it to you as a possession. I am the Lord.’”

Exodus 14: 30+31

 "That day the Lord saved Israel from the hands of the Egyptians, and Israel saw the Egyptians lying dead on the shore. And when the Israelites saw the mighty hand of the Lord displayed against the Egyptians, the people feared the Lord and put their trust in him and in Moses his servant."

Slavery to Freedom:
*read about it in Exodus chapters 1-20*
The Israelites have been enslaved to Egypt and the Pharaoh for 400+ years.
God sends Moses to the people and he uses him as a tool to speak to Pharaoh.
After multiple attempts to demand that Pharaoh let the people go, after multiple plagues that destroyed the land and the people, Pharaoh finally obeys.
God holds true to his covenant and the people of Israel are set free.
Though the journey continues...

Freedom to Slavery:
This new found freedom for the Israelite people turns cold.
Though they are free from the slavery forced upon them by the Pharaoh and the Egyptians, they begin to enslave themselves through their freedom.

The Israelite people were SET FREE, but they chose not to live freely.
They become enslaved to their sin.
lust, coveting, lying, stealing, idolatry, and the list goes on...
They did not use their freedom correctly.
They used it selfishly and sinfully.

"Set Free to Live Free"

What does that mean? Freedom is not the ability to do what you want. Freedom is the ability to do what you were made to do by God. When God set the Israelite people free, His chosen people, he did not intend for their freedom to open the door for them to indulge in their selfish and sinful desires. No, he set them free so that HE could further HIS kingdom by using these people in HIS plan and for HIS purpose.

How does that look for us? Rather than being set free of a literal slavery like the Israelites were when God sent moses to the people, God sent his one and only son {that being, Jesus Christ} to die on a cross, bearing our shame and iniquity {our sin} so that we can be free. Free to live. Free even in death. 

Yet so many choose to live in slavery. Enslaved to this world, to this oh so temporary life. Maybe you've heard the name of Jesus, maybe you know what the gospel message is about, but you choose to ignore it. You choose to say, 'it can't be true'. Enchained to naivety and ignorance. Maybe you claim to follow Jesus, to have a heart for his ministry. You praise God for his death on the cross, for his sacrifice that paid the weight of your sin and my sin. Yet your life does not portray that freedom. Your actions, thoughts, words, lifestyle - none of it is free.

Exodus 20: 1+2 says, "I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the Land of slavery.." 

The problem then was slavery. The solution was God.
That rings true yesterday, today and until Christ returns again.
The problem will always be slavery and the solution will always be God.

2 Peter 2:19 says, "For whatever overcomes a person, to that he is enslaved..."

What do we poor our time and energy into? What do we think about most often? What do we hold closest to our hearts? What bring us the most happiness? What overcomes us?

Money? Jobs? Status? Wealth? Materials? Beauty? Health? Reputation? Popularity? Skills? Sports? Media? Husband/Wife? Children? we all have our idols... 

"You shall have no other Gods before me..."
the First Commandment...

You can't live freely until you KNOW and hold true to the fact that there is ONLY ONE GOD. The God of the Bible. And we must continually get to know Him. Back then the Israelites {after being set free from the Egyptians} fell into a new form of slavery, as I already mentioned, and though they worshiped physical idols {as many still do in this world} that promised them good things... this form of idolatry is no different from our idolatry today... its had merely been 're-branded'.

Is there a disconnect between your god and your functional god?
Do you claim to believe in the one true God yet you worship a completely different functional god? There can't be a disconnect. If you believe in Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour, then you must claim that freedom in your life and live it out daily. 

use your God-given Freedom to do what God has purposed you for. 
Use your freedom to worship HIM.
use your freedom to become more like Him.
Jesus did not die to set us free so that we can indulge in the ways of this world, 
rather he died to set us free so that God could further HIS kingdom by using US in HIS plan, for HIS purpose.

Are you Free...

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

I wasn't always baptist.

I had a bad habit a few years ago where I would only write these posts out of frustration and use them as a way to vent {my sister may have called me out on that one! ha}. I really think I've gotten better at that over the past year, but unfortunately this morning I'm writing about something that could very well come across as venting, but I promise I will do my best to channel my frustration to only share with you what God has made heavy on my heart... here we go.

Currently, Tyler and I attend Willow Creek Baptist Church in Midhurst. We absolutely love it, sure we've had our small things here and there - but overall, I LOVE my church. I've been going there now for over 2 years and let me tell you, it took a long time to feel at home when it comes to the social side of things, but right off the bat I loved what this church was about. Not only do I love Sunday morning services, hearing our pastor preach the word of God, but it goes beyond 'church attendance'. We are able to be actively involved in the church, using our gifts and abilities to serve the Lord and further HIS kingdom. We've built {and continue to build} amazing friendships and relationships with our brothers and sisters in Christ AND we continue to be challenged every week by the messages that God lays upon our Pastor's heart. We are seeing the Spirit move in our church and we are blessed to call Willow Creek our home.

But, I wasn't always baptist.

Thats right, for those of you who know me well enough to know that I grew up in the Reformed Church, you may be shocked to read that - maybe not. If I had to define my denomination - I am Baptist. But what does that even matter?

Will you really define me, my family or my friends based off of the 'denomination' of the church they attend? Ultimately, isn't it about Jesus and whether or not we have given our lives to his mission? I understand if you know someone who attends a church that is way out in left field - not even close to following the biblical layout of a church, but thats NOT the case for me, for Tyler or for many that I know. The point is not whether or not I am Reformed or Baptist or Pentecostal, the real question should be: has she been captivated by the grace and mercy and love of our Heavenly Father and does the compel her to live a life that is worthy of the calling she has received? {Ephesians 4:1 "As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace."}

Here is some background information. I grew up in the Reformed Church, it was only when I was about the age of 16 that my parents gave me (and my siblings) the freedom to taste other churches. Some of you may read that and cringe, wondering why my parents would ever allow for their children to leave their church. "If they truly believe in the practices and theology of their church, why would they let their children go elsewhere"... if you are thinking that right now, please hear me out. I have the utmost respect for my parents. In fact, through their allowing me to attend a Pentecostal youth group and eventually attend a Baptist church I learned very quickly that it is not your church denomination that defines you. It is your faith in the one and only God that defines you, and how you allow that to change your life. I met MANY amazing Christians who were evidently living for Jesus in all three churches, the Reformed church, my Pentecostal youth group AND in the Baptist Churches. My parents did not make me feel like 'less of a Christian' just because I was learning from other believers and churches that had some different theology from their own. Yes, my parents did stay on top of it; they would be sure to challenge me in what I was learning, making sure that all that I was taught was biblical, teaching me discernment etc.  I am THANKFUL that I was able to experience a taste of different denominations. My parents were NOT wrong in allowing me that freedom, and I am no less of a Christian as a result... in fact I am stronger now than ever before because of my journey.

Sometimes I find that it can be so easy for believers to get caught up in a 'denomination-battle'. This is silly and so very pointless because it never goes anywhere. To argue as a Reformed person that you are a 'better Christian' because you think your theology is more biblical' then the Baptist IS indeed wrong, AND vice-versa. The reason I keep throwing 'reformed' and 'baptist' out there is because both of these have greatly impacted MY life. Should we really spend so much time arguing over our differences? I understand, if something is biblically wrong, then yes we should approach that issue with Grace and with a gentle Spirit and pray that God would correct the wrong, but when it comes to church traditions and preferences... how about we just get over it?

Don't pick on the Christian who appreciates the Hymns and the Organ. Don't pick on the Christian who appreciates the worship band. Don't pick on the Christian who raises their hands of dances during musical worship, or shout's AMEN in the middle of a church sermon. Don't pick on the Christian who appreciates repeating the Lord's prayer every week. Just because YOU don't prefer it, doesn't mean its wrong for others to do it. For those of you who think its biblically wrong and border-line sinful to do any of the things I just mentioned (and those are just a few popular examples I hear often) I think you need to brush up on learning the context of the verses you're reading. If you ruin relationships with friends or family {this one hits home for me} because they attend a church that does things differently from you - how sad is that. Let me tell you, it TRULY hurts on a deep level. If you know someone who has been led astray by false teachings or strange beliefs they call 'truth', be in prayer for them, talk with them, be an example for them - don't shun them. If you know someone who attends a God-Fearing Church,  but it is indeed different from yours, praise the Lord that they are saved and living a life that shows fruits of the Spirit. Don't get caught up in shallow, meaning-less differences. If you know someone who attends a church faithfully, but doesn't actually show any fruits of the Spirit, and doesn't actually 'live a life worthy of their calling', but yet they call themselves 'Christian', pray for them, encourage them, work with them. In any of those situations, ruining a relationship IS the wrong thing to do.

Finally, I want to mention something that is actually quite hard for me to say {although a lot easier to do through writing}, so please read this with an open mind and heart. If you have ever found yourself in a similar situation to me, you will understand this.

To grow up in the Reformed Church and then years later find yourself in a Baptist Church is NOT easy. It is not easy to have God teaching you things that completely change your mindset and change your thoughts. When God reveals to us truth in Scripture, it WILL change your life. It was the hardest thing for me to finally say, "not only do I attend a Baptist Church, but I AGREE with their theology". It  was challenging to admit to myself, and it is continually challenging to talk about with others. I believe it takes a TON of courage and faith to say, "God, my whole life I believed this, I was taught to be this way and think this way. I believed the bible was telling me this and that... but now, you have opened my eyes to see and you have revealed to me things that have made me fall flat on my face. I know you are asking me to in a sense 'let go' of my previous way of things and start fresh."

It . Is. So. Hard.

I have many close friends, and most of my family who have different views on things. Things like Baptism, Church Structure, Communion, Worship etc. To stand up and say, I know I used to think like you, but now God has changed my heart and I feel that he has revealed to me truth in Scripture which has made it possible for me to have the views I have now - is extremely difficult. For me, to tell my parents - who baptized me as a baby - that I am going to choose to be baptized as an adult - was one of the hardest things I've faced yet. They may not fully understand, but you know what?! They support me and love me in it and I pray that God will reveal to them WHY I am doing this. If this is news to you, yes I DO plan to be baptized. Why? I don't want to go into all the specifics {aka. I don't want to debate}... so let me just put it this way: I want to live a life that follows in the footsteps of Jesus Christ. HE is the PERFECT example by which I will live my life and I will follow HIM to the water. This does not mean that I have not been a true Christian up to this point, no! It does not mean that I don't respect my parents and their reasoning for baptizing me as a baby. When my parents baptized me as an infant, they were publicly stating that they would do their best to raise me in the faith and teach me all that God has taught them. This is amazing and actually very similar to what we call a baby dedication in the baptist church. I look on that now and am blessed that my parents did that. I am not throwing it away by getting baptized now. I am not over-looking it or taking away from its value. I promise you that! I am choosing to say that I believe that God intended for Jesus to be dedicated as a baby at the temple (Luke 2) and baptized as an adult and I want to follow in that as a faithful servant of OUR Lord.

There are people in my life who will look down on me, maybe even look down on my parents for this choice that I make. and this burdens my heart more then you will ever know. So in closing, I just want to encourage you to remember that we are ALL brothers and sisters in Christ. We are ALL sinful and ALL saved by grace alone. We may go to different buildings on Sunday mornings, we may have different preferences and opinions... but please do not let this become a war between you and other Christians.

Romans 14:13-23 {"let us stop passing judgement on one another. Instead, make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in your brother's way... let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification... so whatever you believe about these things keep between yourself and God..."}

Amen? Whatever you believe about these things, keep between yourself and God. If it is not a faith issue {eternity issue} and is more about preference and taste, do what you believe to be true for yourself. Do not show contempt towards someone because you have differences. For Jesus showed love to all... "There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." (Galatians 3:28} 

We are all one in Christ Jesus.

To God Be the Glory.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

A merciful, purposeful, costly, rewarding invitation of Jesus

A Merciful Invitation...

We have to remember that we have nothing in us to draw Jesus to us. When Jesus called the first disciples long ago it had nothing to do with who they were or what they had to offer. So it is with us, we are saved solely by Gods Grace and Mercy. We are disciples because Christ first pursued us, that IS the gospel - it is what Christ has done. Jesus chose the disciples {and us today} because of Mercy In Him, not because of Merit In Us.

I think most of us learn this early-on in our walk of faith, but how often do we remind ourselves of it? How often do we begin to think that God saved us because we are strong enough, good enough, or 'christian enough'? When we think this way, even in the most subtle ways, we steal the significance from Christ's death on the cross... we lose the entire meaning of the gospel. Why? Because Christ's death was for those who could not save themselves, it was for those who were AND are completely hopeless. It was for those who had nothing to give to earn this redemption for themselves, it was for those who had nothing to offer to claim salvation. If you are saved, it is not because you are worthy or because you deserve it. If you are saved, it is because Jesus Christ paid the price for you and for your imperfection. 

A Purposeful Invitation...

If you have accepted Christ's merciful invitation to follow him and be a disciple {true Christian}, than there is always a purpose behind your following. This is where I feel MANY 'Christians' miss the point. You were shown Mercy for a Mission. You cannot accept God's Mercy and leave it there... that would be wasteful and selfish. To be called by Christ includes being commissioned; to BE a disciple means to MAKE disciples. 

We get so caught up in this world and in this earthly life. Get a career, own a big house, work work work, start a family, buy new things, look better, feel better, make your life secure and safe... PLEASE! Don't WASTE YOUR LIFE. Everything in this life is meaningless. King Solomon, the wisest man to have ever lived learned this the hard way. He fell away from God, got so caught up in riches, in sexuality, in false teachings, in power and control and status... in the end he realized it was all a waste. It was ALL for NOTHING. Why do Christians put so much effort and energy into building for themselves a nice, peaceful, comfortable, secure, safe life here on this earth. Do we not know that this world WILL pass away? You cannot take anything from this life with you after death - only your heart for serving the Lord will remain. The things that we think are important and crucial to life are not - unless our true hearts desire is Jesus Christ and spreading the gospel.

How many of us have shared the gospel and seen someone come to Christ in the past year?
In the past 2 years?
In the past 10 years?
How many of us have EVER shared the gospel?
We need to be INTENTIONAL. This mission is crucial.
Think about the people in your life right now: 
family, friends, acquaintances. even strangers on a day-to-day basis.
I think all of us can think of someone in our reach that either does not know Jesus, or has fallen away, OR is deceived into thinking that they are saved when they are not.
I know MANY.
Why are we not intentionally pursuing these people and trying to allow God to reach them through our words and our actions. 
There are millions of people {a handful of which have been placed in OUR lives} that are headed for an eternity of separation from God... does that HIT you?!?! Do you understand?!?!?

To be a disciple means to MAKE disciples. No excuses. Its just what you do.
So if you don't do it, you are wasting time... or maybe you aren't truly FOR Christ...

A Costly Invitation...

It's not about safety and its not about comfort. Like I mentioned earlier, why do we spend SO much time and energy in trying to build ourselves a nice little life here on earth {store up treasures on earth} when we are called to pay the cost of following - which means giving it all up...? God blesses us materially and financially and with nice things, of course, but have you been consumed by these things?  Are they the things that make your life 'joyful' 'comfortable' 'safe' or 'secure'.? If so, be careful. Have we TRULY counted the cost of following Christ? If you accept his merciful invitation and start living a purposeful life {as we are SUPPOSED to} than comfort and certainty are no longer your concern {you have paid the cost}, your possessions are no longer your own. In fact, it is more dangerous to be safe than to be reckless. Sometimes people look at those who sell everything they have and move their lives and families to countries where there is war and suffering, they say that it is unwise and reckless. Is it? Reckless people are what we NEED to reach those who are in darkness. If you are 'safe', you are in danger of missing the entire point of WHY you have been saved. If you are 'comfortable' then you are finding your joy and satisfaction in meaningless and temporary earthly things. 

He is sending us out like sheep among wolves. That picture is clear and brutal. There WILL be persecution if you are doing what you are supposed to be doing. Maybe not to the point of death for all of us, maybe not even to the point of physical harm for some, but there WILL be persecution. Pick up your cross and follow him. Follow Him no matter the cost.

A Rewarding Invitation...

Always remember that when Jesus is calling us to sacrifice, he is calling us to satisfaction. He tells us that when we LOSE our life, we will FIND our life {eternal life}. Jesus tells us a story in the bible of a man who finds a hidden treasure in a field, so he goes and sells all of that which he has {literally - all of it!} and he uses the money to buy that field. People see this and because they do not know about the hidden treasure, they cannot imagine how he could do something like this. It would seem reckless to them, wouldn't it? Yet he knows that the hidden treasure is far more valuable than all that he currently had - and he did everything he could to get a hold of that treasure... 

Are we willing to give up everything for the hidden treasure Christ has shown us? Is an eternity in  heaven, together with Jesus himself worth all that we currently have? Please know that is TRULY is. If you have accepted Christ's merciful invitation and you are living a purposeful life making disciples and allowing God to work through you in order to save others, if you are willing to sacrifice everything and pay the cost of following Jesus and living the life that he has called you to, then you WILL be rewarded - and it will be far better than what you can even imagine now. It is worth far more than all the treasures you can build up on this earth. 

Dietrich Bonhoeffer says, "The cost of discipleship is great, but the cost of non-discipleship is far greater..."

Do we believe that Jesus satisfies? Do we believe that he is Worth it all?
Then GIVE YOURSELF to the PURPOSE of which you have been CALLED.
Our Priority MUST be the gospel.