Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Vain Pursuit.

Vain pursuit:
Chasing after the wind – it’s meaningless.
I don’t want to hope in anything or boast in anything – unless it’s directly related to God.
I’m tired of having my hope in things that end, in people that leave, in this world which will end.
I recognize that I am here for one purpose only;
 to worship the Father and glorify Him, enhance His kingdom.
I’m bored of shallow relationships.
I’m bored of people who are so caught up in themselves and their lives –
People who are hungry for attention, hungry for approval...
I’m bored of people who only talk trash, only notice the bad in others.
I’m bored of people who are quick to judge and slow to forgive.
I guess I just desire relationships that go a little deeper,
Is that asking too much?
I’m hungry to have people in my life who are boasting in Christ alone.
Living life for the Kingdom, not for their own glory...

Vain pursuit:
It’s like putting yourself in a box.
Life to me has more purpose then getting a good job and retiring early.
I desire a greater purpose, My God has bigger plans for me than living comfortably.
My focus needs to be on God, I must always be looking up.
He is my only rock and fortress, my refuge is God.
I must trust in Him at all times.
He’s not far away.

Vain pursuit:
In the end it’s your choice what you chase in this life.
God has lavished us with his grace, Jesus died on the cross to give us life.
So go on and glorify yourself, stand in the spotlight, chase after things that fade.
Pay no attention to the greater purpose we all have, continue to live a shallow life.
Just remember, in the end we all stand before our maker –
And in that moment, I hope it finally becomes real to you that it’s not about you at all,
It’s all about him. It always has been.